With the recent issues with Warren County 911 emergency communications, the Warren County Supervisors are currently in the process of replacing the outdated system. Warren County Supervisor Board Chair Crystal McIntyre tells KNIA News the process of replacing the equipment is not something that can be done overnight.
“Our tax levy is going to have to pay for the maintenance of the system, and the Board of Supervisors actually purchases the system. But before we purchase the system, all of the mayor’s in the Emergency Management Commission have to decide what that system is going to look like. So there is a lot of other steps other than just getting the money together to pay for the system. That is an undertaking that the mayor’s, the Warren County Sheriff, and myself, really have to focus on this year. Getting everyone together so we can definitely take care of this problem, for all of the citizens. It affects everyone.
The new emergency communications system is expected to cost $5-10 million.