Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day, a day when some drivers could be tempted to overindulge and then take to the roads; and Knoxville’s police chief is cautioning drivers to proceed with care if they’re out celebrating.
Chief Dan Losada tells KNIA/KRLS News police will be out in force, as part of the state’s Special Traffic Enforcement Program, or STEP.
“As part of the Governor’s traffic safety bureau STEP program, we’ll be out in force this weekend with a focus on alcohol enforcement. We encourage everyone to be safe; if you decide to go out and party, make sure you’re able to drive home safely or you have a designated driver,” Chief Losada says.
Comparing St. Patrick’s Day to other days when drinking may occur is difficult; Chief Losada says there are lots of factors, such as which day of the week and the weather conditions on that day.
Weather could still be a concern to drivers, whether they’ve had anything to drink or not; he says there could be loose sand or gravel left over on city roads, as well as the possibility of black ice. And while there are only a couple of dirt roads in Knoxville, they are difficult to navigate because of the ongoing thaw.