
State Rep. Jon Thorup says he has voted in favor of a measure which would extend the SAVE school infrastructure tax through 2050.

Funds for SAVE come through the statewide sales tax, and are designated for school districts to use for improvements in infrastructure and technology.

Rep. Thorup says this is one of the most important pieces of legislation the House will vote on this session, because it gives schools the opportunity to improve their buildings and security while giving taxpayers relief on their property taxes.

State Sen. Amy Sinclair led the bill through the Education Committee which she chairs, and has supported the extension; it has been referred to Ways and Means.

Both Rep. Thorup and Sen. Sinclair are scheduled to be in Knoxville tomorrow afternoon for a forum with voters; they will be at Mr. C’s Family Steakhouse at 1:00 p.m. to meet with their constituents and listen to any concerns they may have.