Winter may be on the way out, but it has left behind problems on city streets; and Knoxville’s police chief is warning drivers, especially younger ones on spring break, to proceed with caution.
While streets may appear safe, there could still be some icy patches from snow which hasn’t melted off yet. And Police Chief Dan Losada tells KNIA/KRLS News says teenage drivers should be careful, because they may not be accustomed to hazards like this.
“Teen drivers are by definition not very experienced drivers, and therefore they have issues dealing with the changing seasons. They think the streets are in great shape, or they don’t recognize the fact that there might be black ice or maybe even some sand or dirt on the streets, and go a little faster than they should,” Chief Losada says.
For older and more experienced drivers, these hazards may not be as much of a problem; Chief Losada says they are more concerned about younger drivers who haven’t done this as much as older ones.