
The Knoxville City Council gathered on Monday night, for a meeting which was notable mainly for its brevity.

The Council met for just two minutes; most of the items they dealt with were on the consent agenda, and voted on all at once.

One item renewed the licenses for their four waste haulers, Maxim Trucking and Materials, Brown’s Sanitation, ABS Sanitation and Midwest Sanitation; Mayor Brian Hatch tells KNIA/KRLS News they’ve had no problems with their vendors.

“Of course, it’s kind of a procedural thing for us to renew those licenses every year…everything is great, as far as the haulers are concerned,” Hatch says.

The City Council also accepted the reports submitted by the Community Service Officer and the School Resource Officer. The severe weather affected their respective jobs; for Community Service, there were over one hundred snow removal matters, but relatively few parking enforcement issues around the square.

As for School Resource, overall enforcement numbers were down because of snow days, two days off and six school days spent on patrol.