The state’s solar power tariff bill is still under consideration in the Iowa House, but about seventeen Republican members, including State Rep. Jon Thorup, have yet to make up their minds about whether to support it.
Rep. Thorup tells KNIA/KRLS News he’s still on the fence because one state agency has been looking at this matter for some time.
“One thing that I would feel more comfortable with is I know the Iowa Utilities Board, about a year ago they started a project to start to gather more information about this particular topic; it’s a three-year program. I think before we jump into anything at this moment, I think we ought to give the Iowa Utilities Board an opportunity to collect that data; and we can probably make a much better-informed decision after that,” Rep. Thorup says.
He says the utilities board was created specifically to do things such as this, and state lawmakers should give its members a chance to finish the job before taking any further steps.