
In honor of National Library Week, the Pella Public Library will hold a “Food for Fines” drive April 7-14. The library will accept non-perishable food items in exchange for overdue fines. One food item will equal up to $1.00 in fines, and participants can exchange a maximum of $10.00 during the week. All donations will be given to the Pella Community Food Shelf.

Some acceptable non-perishable food items include: cereal, tuna, rice, beans, soups, canned meats, canned juices, peanut butter, and any canned fruits or vegetables, which must be in their original containers, unopened, undamaged, and not expired according to the package expiration date.

Food donations are in lieu of overdue fines only. They cannot be used to clear fees for lost or damaged materials, printing, Interlibrary Loan, or other charges.