Today wraps up National Volunteer Week, which is devoted to finding people willing to donate some of their time to helping out local organizations or the community at large.
Much of the focus is on finding people to help out on a regular basis, and continue to provide service throughout the year. The Well has a regular corps of volunteers which help out in various areas all year long, and is looking to expand this number as they prepare to open their new center in Knoxville.
Eden Youngberg from The Well tells KNIA/KRLS News some of the regular volunteers they now have started out doing a single, one-time project and then coming back for more.
“We have people who are pretty consistent; I would say…our events like our Transform event or Acts service project where people call in and say, ‘Hey, I’ve got a moving project, can you help out’ and then we coordinate volunteers to help that person move; those are more one-time things.
“But I would say the majority of our volunteers are willing to stick around for multiple service times,” Youngberg says.
The Well is working in conjunction with the Spring Into Parks project sponsored by Thrive Knoxville, and are also seeking people to help out during the week of May 5th with the Transform service project. Volunteers are invited to contact The Well for more information.