The Indianola Community School District, along with all other districts around the state, recently took the ISASP (Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress) test, giving the state a baseline on how to assess schools. Superintendent Art Sathoff tells KNIA News Indianola opted to do the testing completely online this year, which despite some setbacks, went through efficiently.
“There was a lot of learning in getting accounts set up, and logins, and things of that nature. There was some infrastructure tests of our technology, to make sure we could handle the demands of all the kids logged on at once. And then of course there was the administration of the test, test security, and all the training modules that teachers and others have to go through. We’re happy to be on the downhill with all of that, but we’re also happy things went well.”
Sathoff also said the students were receptive to doing the tests online, took them seriously, and feels they did very well.