
With graduation about a week off, the Knoxville High School Class of 2019 is taking time to look back on what they have gained during their years in school…and at the role faith has played in their lives.

This year’s Baccalaureate will be held at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center; the tradition of holding a baccalaureate was re-started a couple of years ago by local ministers, but much of the planning for this year’s event has been in the hands of students.

Graduating senior Nyan Baker tells KNIA/KRLS News many students want an opportunity to recall how large a role religion has had for them during their time in school, and hold on to it as they venture out into the world

.“I think that it’s just something, that a lot of young people probably need something at their core especially when we’re about to step into the world on our own. And I think a lot of that comes through faith…you’re kind of able to find a direction and stick to that certain path throughout the craziness of life,” Nyan says.

Caroline Woodle says having Baccalaureate provides inspiration for current and future students to make changes which count as they go through their lives.

“I’ve been given so many opportunities through my faith to travel to other places like different countries; and I think we need to start something here that inspires kids to do things like that,..and make change even if it’s just in Knoxville and know that can still be very influential on the rest of the world,” Caroline says.

Towards that end, the students are hoping a lot of underclassmen attend this year’s Baccalaureate and find their own inspiration. And they also want to enjoy the moment, which will be bittersweet for teachers and students alike…as the graduates’ high school years come to an end.