
The Pleasantville School Board met in regular session Tuesday; an official proposal for a long discussed elementary math curriculum change to Ready Math and i-Ready was approved.

This new curriculum is set to last the district at least eight years with materials updating yearly. In whole the program will cost around $97,000. Government subsidies are expected to cover a large portion of that price.

Also approved was a $70,000 bid from Oxen Technology to upgrade the districts computer servers. With the increasing importance of technology in education, this upgrade will help to cut down on technical difficulties in the classroom.

The schools preschool tuition is set to increase. New Pleasantville Pre Kindergarten prices will be $125 dollars a month for the 2019-2020 school year, up from $115 in 2018-2019.

The board next meets on June 11 at 6:30 pm inside of the Pleasantville High School library.