Knoxville has entered into a three-way agreement with two other school districts to share a Human Resources director, as part of a state initiative to help local districts operate more efficiently.

Pella and Pleasantville will join Knoxville in using the services of Linda Russell as their joint head of HR; she will be able to conduct much of her business via e-mail and other electronic means, although travel between districts will still be involved.

Cassi Pearson is Superintendent of the Knoxville School District; she tells KNIA/KRLS News Russell will work on making hiring and personnel operations in all three districts move smoothly, and update them as needed.

“She will help us, all three districts, by looking at system-wide approaches and making sure processes and procedures are in place; and we’re, I would say, just getting stronger in the arena of human resources,” Pearson says.

Each district will receive funding from the state of Iowa to help cover the costs associated with this new hire.