Indianola lawyer and Democratic Party candidate for US Senate Kimberly Graham held a campaign event on the Indianola downtown square Monday evening, the beginning of a statewide 99-county “Democracy Tour.” Graham met with local business owners and public employees, and tells KNIA News the biggest issue so far from local business owners is healthcare
“I talked an owner of a small shop here on the square in Indianola, and she told me that she figured out with the cost of her medical insurance premiums plus her deductible, she has to $17,000 a year before her insurance starts paying anything. And that’s absolutely unconscionable. Insurance companies, and the Republican majority House, Senate, and President had two years of a clear shot to get something done on that and absolutely nothing was done. So I think it’s time for a pretty a massive change so we can cover everyone as efficiently as possible in the country.”
Graham is not the only announced candidate in the primary field, as Des Moines businessman Eddie Mauro announced his intention to run early Monday morning.