The personnel of the Knoxville Fire Department are ready to go to the front line each day when an emergency occurs in town; and the city and Knoxville’s fire chief are recognizing their contributions during this National EMS Week.
The EMS Division of the department received a proclamation in their honor at Monday night’s City Council meeting.
Chief Cal Wyman tells KNIA/KRLS News medical calls make up anywhere from 75 to 85 percent of the responses his department makes, and the personnel are constantly working on their state of readiness.
“They take it seriously, they train all the time, they put in hours and hours of extra training to be able to keep certifications up, to get new certifications; so they really do a fantastic job, making sure we have the equipment, the knowledge, the skill to take care of the community that we’re sworn to take care of,” Chief Wyman says.
At all times, there are at least two EMS personnel on duty at the main fire station ready to respond to any type of emergency; Chief Wyman says on every turnout, they are the ones who step up first.