The Pella community is mourning the loss of a beloved former school board member. Lisa Jansen passed away at 51 Wednesday after a battle with cancer. Jansen served on the school board since the 2017 election, and resigned in June due to her illness. Pella School Board President Joan Corbin says Jansen was a proud supporter of the district, both as a representative and parent in the schools. In an email to the district, Superintendent Greg Ebeling stated, “Lisa’s positive outlook on life was a true inspiration to those that knew her. She lived her life by “Choosing Joy” and desired that for her family and friends.” Earlier this year, the Pella School Board paid tribute to Jansen’s fight with shirts reading “Choose Joy.” Jansen is survived by her husband Ron and her children Garret, Elisabeth, and Joe. Visitation will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday at Third Reformed Church.