It seems like only yesterday the Knoxville VFW Post 3519 was recognized as an All-State post
for the first time in the posts 83 year history. History continues to be rewritten for the post
however as they have now been recognized as an All-American post, one of two posts in the
state of Iowa to be recognized. Post Commander Jake Beaver tells KNIA/KRLS News he can’t
thank everyone enough for their support of the post. He says if it wasn’t for the community, for
the staff and for the members of the post, none of this would be possible. Beaver says they are
still trying to recover from finding out they were All-State so its surreal to be named
All-American. Beaver and Senior Vice Commander Michael Braman will formally receive the
award at the VFW’s 120th National Convention in Orlando, Florida July 22nd.