The Pella City Council approved an engineering services agreement for the development of a new municipal telecommunications utility at their meeting Tuesday evening. A contract with NewCom Technologies for the design of a new fiber optic network and construction observation services will cost $792,000. It’s the first major step of many anticipated for the Pella City Council over the next several months relating to a new utility, which was approved by 92 percent of voters in 2018. The goal is to have internet, video, and voice services available to residents and businesses in the corporate limits by Spring 2021, with approximately 70 miles of fiber installation in the city limits starting in 2020.
Council also approved a resolution to adopt assessments for the 2018 sidewalk repair project, set two public hearings on August 6th to enter into a development agreement with Vermeer Corporation for tax incentives in the High Quality Jobs Program and for consultation on a proposed amendment to the Pella Business Corridor Urban Renewal Plan. A zoning amendment approving a planned unit development for the proposed Cobb Hill Development was also adopted, which allows for a 93-housing unit development with condominiums and potential commercial areas north of G-28 near Fifield Road in Pella.
Following regular business, council followed up on a proposed tulip field request by Pella Historical Society, consideration of minors in licensed establishments, zoning amendment requests, any public measures to consider during the November election, and a draft amendment to the agreement with Iowa Regional Utilities Association. No formal action was taken on those items.