The Vermeer mile is undergoing several major projects since the tornado that struck their campus in 2018. Vermeer Vice President of Facilities and Construction Vince Newendorp says three new facilities underway at their Pella-based headquarters shows the company has taken a big turn towards the future. The first facility scheduled to open this summer is a new engineering and R&D building named Shop 48. The name stems from Founder Gary Vermeer’s shop where his innovations came to life and led to the founding of Vermeer Corporation in 1948. Vice President, Operations Bill Blackorby says Plant 7 was formally announced last week, as the new facility being built where Plants 5 & 6 once stood. The new facility will connect to the original Plant 7 that was damaged in the tornado but repaired in the months following, and is scheduled to be complete in Fall 2020.
“Looking ahead, this facility is going to be world-class in every feature. We’re advancing our paint technology, coat technology and the space for our team,” said Vice President, Operations Bill Blackorby.
Also recognized was the new Eco Center, which is replacing the one lost in the tornado and will open its doors in January 2020. The Eco-Center helps responsibly process and manage waste along the Vermeer Mile. Hear more about how Vermeer looks toward future growth after last year’s tornado on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.