
The John Delaney presidential campaign was in Pella Monday, knocking doors and providing lunch for people interested in learning more about his candidacy. There are approximately 1,400 registered Democrats in Pella, and by the end of the day every Democratic door had been knocked and questions answered.

Delaney addressed the weekend shootings in Dayton and El Paso, and president Trump’s address where he condemned white supremacy, “I’m happy he condemned white supremacy — that should be obvious to condemn white supremacy — but he should have been condemning it for a long time.” When asked about China devaluing its currency, and ending the importation of American agricultural products, Delaney said President Trump’s trade war isn’t working, “I think its another example of how the president’s trade war is hurting Iowa farmers, and hurting farmers everywhere. You know, the president when he ran said he would be the best president for farmers, and I would argue he’s been the worst.”

Delaney also shared that he believes if a Democratic candidate who favors Medicaid for all is nominated, it could lead to a second term for President Trump.