The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. The board approved contracts for Norris Asphalt Paving Co. Inc. for the resurfacing of parts of Hwy G46 and Old Hwy 92 for approximately $2.7 million dollars, among other road resurfacing projects. They approved the appointment of Dr. Martha Errthum as Deputy Medical Examiner. The board approved Knoxville Mayor Brian Hatch and Sarah Buchheit from Pella as representatives of Marion County in the Boone, Jasper, Marion and Warren Counties Regional Housing Trust Fund. They approved the Class C Native Wine License renewal application for Nearwood Winery as well as heard an update on county fund investments from Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette. The board held a closed session where they discussed the current 28E agreement with the city of Pella. Following the closed session, the board agreed to send a letter to the city of Pella pertaining to negotiations of their 28E agreement with suggestions of revisions that will take place over the next week.