The deadline for applications for the Habitat for Humanity of Marion County home being constructed in Pleasantville is Friday, August 23rd. Applications can be picked up at the Habitat for Humanity office in Knoxville at 114 W Robinson Street or Pleasantville City Hall located at 108 W Jackson Street. Director of Habitat for Humanity of Marion County, Robin Pfalzgraf tells KNIA/KRLS News she prefers people who are interested in applying pick up the applications from their office in Knoxville so she is able to walk people through the entire process. The new home in Pleasantville is being constructed on a corner lot located at 402 S. Jefferson Street and is a cooperative effort between Habitat for Humanity and the Pleasantville High School Building Trades Class as well as volunteers in Pleasantville. For more information contact Robin Pfalzgraf with Habitat for Humanity of Marion County.