The Knoxville High School Drama Department will present a Broadway Masterclass with Keven Quillon tomorrow at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center. Participants will have the opportunity to learn Broadway choreography featured in shows such as Annie, Shrek and Bandstand. Quillon, a Broadway veteran will hold three classes throughout the day including Broadway Babies designed for children five to 11 years of age at 10:30 AM as well as Character Choreography at 11:30 am which is designed for movers and actors age 12 and up. The last class of the day will be All That Jazz at 1 pm and is designed for intermediate and advanced dancers age 12 and up. Cost is $20 per participant. Knoxville Schools Drama Sponsor Heidi Feldman tells KNIA/KRLS News if students took part in the production of Little Shop of Horrors they should definitely take part in these classes. Feldman says the classes are free for any student that took part in the production and it’s a great way to learn even if you aren’t interested in being on stage. For more information and to register for the classes click here: https://search.seatyourself.biz/webstore/accounts/knoxvillehs/buy-tix?d=0