The Pleasantville City Council met in regular session Thursday. A policies and procedures contract for the Pleasantville Police Department was approved. The new set of policies has been updated and designed to keep department standards up to date. A payment of $283,837 was approved to Iowa Civil Contracting for work done around the city as well as a settlement payment of $10,000 in the case of the City of Pleasantville v. McConnell. This settlement also requires the McConnells to file a confession of judgement in favor of the city which results in the City obtaining title to the property. This sum of money represents the costs incurred by the McConnells when they initially obtained the property. A parcel split application for 455 Jesup Street was approved pending more information as well as a sewer adjustment for 208 W Broadway St. Demolition of 407 N Douglas Street was approved not to exceed $3,000 and a public hearing for the property was set for September 16th. The council approved a pay application to TK Concrete for the Shadle Park parking lot as well as approved a Snyder & Associates contract amendment for Shadle Park improvements.They placed a bid for a used dump truck for the city as well as approved an Eagle Scouts project to build a barn owl home at Shadle Park.