
Governor Kim Reynolds announced on Tuesday the first 13 recipients of the new Future Ready Iowa Employer Innovation Fund, a matching grant designed to help employers carry out solutions to help their employees achieve postsecondary training and education. Two local organizations are receiving support — Central College for the Pella Talent Pipeline Apprenticeship School and The Well in Pella and Knoxville for the Well Works, which pairs people who have struggled to maintain employment with local businesses and provides educational and spiritual support for those individuals. The first round of Employer Innovation Fund Grants will distribute over $400,000 in funds to employers across the state. The Central and Pella Talent Pipeline project provides core curriculum for high-demand occupations with a primary focus of supplying wrap-around services for individuals seeking apprenticeship opportunities after high school. Vermeer, Pella Corp, Precision, Inc, Pella Schools, DMACC, and the PACE Alliance are also supporting that project. The Well works with LDJ and Vermeer to enable training, and the grant support will allow up to 20 individuals to be placed in that program.