
The Indianola YMCA held a “fireside chat” Wednesday evening, discussing the future of the YMCA in the community. Residents talked with President and CEO of the YMCA Greater Des Moines Leisha Barcus and Executive Director of the Indianola YMCA Heather Hulen, asking questions ranging from the initial agreement made five years ago between the city, school district, and Simpson College, to the future sustainability of the facility. Barcus tells KNIA News the Y is committed to being a part of the community, and nothing will be decided on a short term basis.

“I just had the budget approved for next year. We are losing $161,000 next year down in Indianola, and by we I mean the Greater Des MoinesYMCA Association. So this is not something that is sustainable into the future, and that is why we are talking about this now, and trying to solve this problem. Our 28E agreement with the City of Indianola does have a clause that says if either party no longer wants the facility, they have to give a two-year notice, and that goes both ways, so there would be a two-year notice given to the City of Indianola if any decision was made.”

For more information on the YMCA, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.