The Pella School Board held a facilitated discussion as it relates to the future of childcare in the community at their meeting Monday. Superintendent Greg Ebeling and Director of K-12 Instruction Lowell Ernst led an interactive discussion with the board, school administrators, and representatives with Pella Corporation, Vermeer, GenLink, and the PACE Alliance. Topics included which age groups to consider adding care to, how to fill employment needs for expanded services, ideas for a facility, and included a review of child care needs in Pella and for those who send their children to town for care in the region. No formal action was taken, but several proposals were discussed, including an option that has the school getting involved with care from birth to kindergarten, in partnership with current daycare centers. Pros and cons were also considered and the board is expected to have further discussion at future meetings. Pella Corporation also discussed private options and what limitations that would have as opposed to a community public-private partnership.