The Knoxville Shooting Team will hold a Fun Shoot at the Marion County Sportsmen Club on Saturday, September 21st. The Fun Shoot is an opportunity for the Knoxville Shooting Team to raise funds to help the team throughout the year. There will be numerous shooting games and competitions such as Trap, Two stand, Annie Oakley, and Brother-N-Law. Organizer Blaine Kussatz tells KNIA/KRLS News within the games, the winner of Annie Oakley and the winner of Brother-N-Law as well as anyone who shoots 22 or better in Trap will all be entered into a drawing to win a Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 rifle. Kussatz says the event is family friendly and will allow children to play bags as well as an opportunity to fish. Door prizes will be part of the festivities. The Fun Shoot will begin at 10 am and will last until 4 pm. For more information and to hear the complete interview with Kussatz, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.