The annual Ruck for Vets event was held Saturday at the Knoxville VFW Post 3519, with over 50 participants walking, jogging, or running a 10k course through Knoxville. The event included a flag raising ceremony with the local Boy Scout troop, a free will donation meal, and live music. Senior Vice Commander Of the Knoxville VFW and Junior Vice Commander of the State, Michael Braman tells KNIA/KRLS News the reason the Knoxville VFW does events like the Ruck for Vets is to give back to the community and to let the community know the post is more than just a bar. Braman says the post was able to nationally recognize Officer Brown with the Knoxville Police Department this year and that is a huge deal for a VFW post the size of Knoxville’s. The post has already raised close to $8,000 from the event with more still to be counted. All proceeds from the Ruck for Vets will go towards the Knoxville VFW 3519 relief fund, helping veterans in their time of need.