
Pella Historical Society is hosting the annual Fall Festival next weekend. Assistant Director Jessi Vos says the two-day event on Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th will highlight a wide range of activities for visitors of all ages to enjoy. Artisans will be out showing old-time crafts, including blacksmithing, rope making, carpentry and more. The activities will be held from 10am-4pm both Friday & Saturday at the Pella Historical Village on Franklin Street, with $1 admission to the Village and additional cost for Vermeer Windmill tours. There will also be games, food and duck races in the new pond at 10:30am on Saturday only. Those who would like to participate in the rubber duck race can purchase those at the Vermeer Windmill for $5, take it home to decorate, and bring it back on Saturday morning, Sept. 28, for duck races in the new Village canal and pond, with prizes to be awarded.