The City of Pella Community Services Department is announcing this fall the Pella Parks Department will start work on a 5-year renovation plan for the playground equipment located at West Market Park. Originally constructed in 1992 by community volunteers, the playground is in need of upgrades, according to staff. At a Pella City Council Work Session held on September 10, council gave permission for staff to proceed with the replacement of the existing swing set systems. Over the next few weeks, the old systems will be removed to make way for the new swings, which will be installed later this year. The two new systems are divided into those for ages 5+ as well as a separate system designed for toddlers ages 2-5. Other work planned for this fall, weather permitting, includes renovating the seating areas and adding sand to the two sandboxes, as well as removing wood posts that no longer function as supports for features. The Parks Department will also be renovating the playground equipment at Rotary Park. The equipment will receive a fresh coat of paint and replacement of the faded plastic components. Work at Rotary Park is also expected to take place this fall weather permitting. Those with questions or interested in volunteering to help with either of the renovation projects should contact Community Services Department at 641.628.4571.