
The Pella Public Library continues its culture series with a presentation about South Africa. Shelley Bradfield will have a presentation about the country that is twice the size of Texas with about 60 million people, who collectively speak 23 languages, at the event on Monday, October 7th at 7 p.m. South Africa is a land of vast differences, although since the end of apartheid in the early 1990s, nation-building discourse has focused on the similarities between groups within the country. Shelley, a Central College professor who teaches courses in media studies, called South Africa her home for 15 years and returns regularly to conduct research on South African television. Culture Night: South Africa will take place in Room 206 of the Pella Community Center on October 7th. This program is the second of three Culture Nights this fall, with a presentation about Colombia to follow on November 4th. This program is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome, but it’s recommended for those Kindergarten age and above.