
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Warren County will take place this Saturday at the Indianola Athletic Complex next to the Indianola Middle School. Organizer Tami Fairbanks tells KNIA News the Relay for Life is to raise awareness and help fundraise to help combat cancer, but also aims to provide a positive way to help show support with those who have been diagnosed with cancer, and their family members, friends, and caregivers.

“Cancer can make you feel helpless, there is just nothing to be done about it and it is such a terrible disease. If you have a good prognosis, great. If you don’t have a good prognosis, you can feel as if you are fighting for no good reason. To combat that helpless feeling when you hear the word cancer, it gives me something active that I can do that shows my support for those who are fighting. That’s why I relay.”

Individuals or groups can register online, or at the event. For more information on registration, click below.