A week from today the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics will host their annual Girls Night Out event in conjunction with the 13th Annual KNIA/KRLS “Save a Life Radiothon.” The Girls Night Out and Radiothon will both take place inside the hospital lobby. Attendees will be able to shop, enjoy food and have a chance at free giveaways throughout the evening. Cindy Crozier with the hospital tells KNIA/KRLS News if people have tuned in, in the past and think they might have heard everything they are mistaken. Crozier says each year there is new and important information that might affect listeners more than they know. She says the event brings in a lot of comradery and just all around great information. Both the Girls Night Out and Save a Life Radiothon are held each year to bring awareness to women about different cancers and health issues that can affect them and why women should should pay more attention to their bodies and health. The event will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th with the Radiothon being broadcast live on 95.3 KNIA and 92.1 KRLS.