The Pella City Council approved agreements relating to the new Lely North America headquarters at their meeting Tuesday evening. A resolution and ordinance were approved for an urban renewal plan, as was a resolution to enter into a development agreement required for state incentives. Council approved the first reading of an ordinance extending and expanding the current building permit moratorium along Oskaloosa Street, to give more time to develop an economic revitalization plan for the corridor. Following regular business, the future of downtown parking in Pella was one of the areas focused on during policy and planning. Specifically, the council talked about the potential addition of parking spots south of Liberty Street along East 1st near the old Second Christian Reformed Church building. The potential new spaces will total nearly 90 spaces if a $200,000 project is approved, which includes demolition of a home currently just north of the church building. A review of a potential timeline and how it would impact the loss of more than 80 spots due to projects in the Oost Poort Alley was also reviewed. Official action will be considered at a later meeting.