The Warren County Board of Supervisors met in special session Thursday afternoon. The board went into closed session to perform an employee review of County Engineer David Carroll. After returning into open session, the board heard a grievance from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union about secondary roads employees losing a vacation day during the RAGBRAI stay. Before the overnight stay, county employees were given the option of taking a vacation day and not come into work, but all county offices would remain open. Employees of the secondary road department were informed that the day would be a paid day off, but would be on call as necessary. The board passed a resolution in September that stated the paid day off was a mistake, and a vacation day was deducted for those employees who did not go into work. The grievance by the AFSCME Union states that the employees were not given the correct information, and a posting made at the secondary roads office stated the day would be a paid day off, and the vacation day should be restored. No official action was taken by the board, and will convene for a response at a later date.