Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren held a town hall in Indianola Sunday afternoon at Simpson College, to a packed crowd in the Kent Campus Center. Warren was introduced by Jailyn Seabrooks, the Simpson College student body president and a volunteer for the Warren campaign, and answered questions on healthcare, taxes, climate change, and the difficulties that midwest farmers are facing. Warren tells KNIA News we can solve the crisis by focusing our resources in the right place.
“We need for farmers to be a part of the climate solution in this country, and I want to make that possible by putting enough revenue in for farmers who want to engage in sustainable farming practices. That will help us clean up our air, clean up our water, and reinvigorate our soil, so that going forward we have a truly sustainable farm culture here in Iowa, throughout the midwest, and across this country.”
Warren says she has listened to agriculture experts and farmers on the ground about working on the new processes, and they just need a jump start and some help from the federal government to get it going.