Veterans and their families will have the opportunity tomorrow to tour and learn more about the VA Mobile Medical Unit when it makes a stop at the Knoxville VA Outpatient Clinic. Along with the unit, Knoxville VA Outpatient Clinic Telehealth Staff, Program Coordinators and local staff as well as the Veterans Benefits Office, Eligibility, Home Based Primary Care, Mental Health and other specialty service representatives will be on hand to meet with veterans. The unit allows veterans to get enrolled in VA benefits in real time with the staff located in Des Moines so veterans can know right away what benefits they might be eligible to receive. Dr. Andrew Muth (I know it’s pronounced Mooth) with the VA tells KNIA/KRLS News the VA Mobile Medical Unit is so important to VA healthcare because the VA is trying to break down the barriers of transportation and morality and break down the walls of the healthcare system to get to where the patients are. The open house will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the clinic located at 1607 N. Lincoln Street in Knoxville with light refreshments being served throughout the event.