
Pella Dollars for Scholars will host two pork suppers prior to the Pella Christian/Pella High School varsity basketball games this winter. Their first meal night will take place at Pella High School starting at 5:00 PM today. The meal will be served by Pella’s Dollars for Scholars board members. A second event will be held on Friday, January 18, 2020 at Pella Christian High School. These events raise money for funding Honors Scholarships for Pella Dollars for Scholars recipients. Free will donations will be collected for the meals. In its 18th year providing financial support for graduating Pella and Pella Christian seniors, the local Dollars for Scholars organization, in partnership with individual, community, and business donors, have awarded more than 3,000 scholarships totalling over $1.4 million.

In addition to the Dollars for Scholars event, the Pella boys and girls basketball teams are collecting food for the Pella Community Food Shelf in friendly competition. Fans are asked to bring non-perishable food or supplies to tonight’s basketball games, with drop off boxes at the main gym entrance on the east side of the high school.