Cub Scouts with Pack 362 in Knoxville recently donated over $150 worth of popcorn to area first responders. On Monday, December 2nd, 24 scouts and 30 parents attended the packs regular meeting inside the Knoxville Public Libary’s Community Room at which time they donated the popcorn to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Knoxville Fire and Rescue, Knoxville Police Department as well as Knoxville Township Rural Fire Department who could not be in attendance. The pack, who regularly makes a military donation with the popcorn, chose this year to donate the popcorn to the first responders instead. According to Pack 362 Cubmaster Dave Bauer, the donation to the first responders gave the scouts the opportunity to interact with the community members and first responders who keep us safe on a daily basis. The scouts will next be helping the First United Methodist Church FUN Committee pack Christmas meals on Monday, December 16th as well as ringing bells for the Salvation Army throughout the Knoxville community on Monday, December 23rd.