
During the most recent Knoxville School Board meeting the board tabled a proposal to purchase 25 new hand-held radios for the district. The proposal came following meetings in the summer with local first responders who discussed with the district the problems first responders faced when dealing with the tornado that hit Vermeer as well as what the district should do to improve the safety of students. Knoxville School’s Superintendent Cassi Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News one of the most important aspects the responders discussed was the need for communication. She says the ability to communicate when cell phones and landlines are down is paramount. She says the first responders recommended putting in place a system of two way radios. Pearson says the district already has the system but just needs to add the additional radios. The radios, which come with a manufacturer’s five year-warranty would cost the district approximately $14,075 after installation and programming. During the school board meeting the board voted 3-2 to table the discussion with Board President Marty Duffy and members Larry Scott and Dave Smith voting to table.