With the new year comes resolutions for many who are trying to improve themselves in 2020. Many of those goals have to do with fitness, and Owner of Anytime Fitness in Pella Barry Westerkamp says this is the time of year they see a large influx of new faces at the gym. Westerkamp says those who are able to stick with their resolutions plan ahead and find ways to stick to new fitness goals by making them attainable and realistic.
“There’s definitely different layers to the accountability,” he says. “I can always find something I’d rather do than workout, but if I have a scheduled appointment, I’m more likely to show up for that appointment–think about your dentist, if you have a dentist’s appointment, you’re probably going to show up to that. If you have an appointment to go the gym, whether that’s through a trainer or whether you set yourself on the calendar your own appointment to go to the gym, you’re more likely to follow through with that.”
“IF you have someone there who is waiting on you, like a trainer or workout buddy or something like that…that’s another layer of accountability.”
Hear more from Westerkamp about new years resolutions on today’s Ask the Expert segments during the news magazines.