
Friday morning deputies with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office took part in active shooting and school safety training conducted by Metro Special Tactics and Response a specialized unit within the Homeland Security Bureau at Twin Cedars High School. Sheriff Jason Sandholdt tells KNIA/KRLS News the training included a little bit of everything from clearing rooms, hallways and communicating with deputies, to dealing with school staff and knowing the layout of the building. Sheriff Sandholdt says with today’s society and shootings taking place in schools, churches and malls he wants to make sure his deputies are the best trained in case something were to occur. Twin Cedars High School Principal Dave Roby tells KNIA/KRLS News he likes the fact that the deputies will know the ins and outs of Twin Cedars High School and he feels that will be a huge advantage if something were to happen. To hear the interview with Sheriff Sandholdt and Twin Cedar Principal Dave Roby click below.