An Eddyville man received probation and a suspended sentence following the sexual abuse of a then 15-year-old victim in December of 2017. According to court documents, Spencer Vancenbrock, now 25, allegedly assaulted the victim twice in December of 2017, once at the victim’s home in Knoxville and again at Vancenbrock’s home. Vancenbrock’s DNA was also located on the victim’s clothing. Vancenbrock was charged in March 2019 with two counts of third degree sexual abuse and three counts of supplying alcohol to a minor. Vancenbrock pled guilty to one charge of third-degree sexual abuse and was sentenced to five years of probation, with a 10-year prison sentence that was suspended. Vancenbrock was also ordered to complete a substance abuse evaluation, complete the sex offender treatment program, pay a $1000 fine and register as a sex offender. Vancenbrock will also be under supervision for the rest of his life. The remaining charges were dismissed under the plea agreement.