
American Legion Post 89 in Pella recognized elementary students at Pella and Pella Christian for flag essays they wrote for an annual contest held by the veterans organization.

Members of the American Legion awarded 5th Graders Greta Miller and Zoe Drabek from Jefferson Intermediate School with 1st and 2nd place respectively and Leah Lorentzen of Pella Christian Grade School with 3rd place for essays written by the students in the fall about the American Flag.

Paul Beyer with American Legion Post 89 says it’s always special for members of the Legion to see students’ perspective about patriotism and what it means to serve.

Over 220 essays were submitted between students at Jefferson Intermediate and Pella Christian Grade School.

The three students will read their works at the upcoming American Legion meeting on Monday, January 27th at 7:30 p.m. Hear more from the winners on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.