
State Senator Amy Sinclair recently introduced a bill to address violent, destructive behavior in classrooms. The bill would create training for teachers on how to deal with violent student behaviors as well as recognizing warning signs and establish guidelines and expectations for appropriate responses to behavior in the classroom that presents an imminent threat of bodily injury to another person. Protections for teachers who have to deal with violent behavior would be put in place as well as an easier, more accurate way to report that behavior. Sinclair tells KNIA/KRLS News the bill is not aimed at stopping children with behavioral issues from getting an education but she says if students are having that many issues in a regular classroom clearly needs are not being met and those needs to be met while also making sure all the other students and staff in the classroom are safe. Sinclair says the Iowa House or Representatives has a sub-committee with a companion bill that is meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday so educators and teachers can share their thoughts and concerns. To hear the complete interview with Sinclair, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.