February is American Heart Month. Usually when people think about their hearts during February it has to do with Valentine’s Day. Instead, the American Heart Association and the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics are wanting residents to think more about the overall health of their heart. Julie Waltenberger with the Cardio/Pulmonary Rehab department at the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics tells KNIA/KRLS News when it comes to heart health, it all starts with what you’re eating. She says doctors are recommending a more mediterranean style diet which includes eating seven to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day as well as whole grains. Waltenberger says the diet also includes lowering beef intake to once a week and getting protein from sources such as beans, fish and chicken. As the American Heart Association continues to bring awareness to the overall health of the heart, they are asking people across the country to wear red this Friday, February 7th as part of National Wear Red Day. National Wear Red Day is a day set aside each year to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease which is the leading cause of death in women. To hear the complete interview with Julie Waltenberger on heart health, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.