
A topic currently being discussed at the committee level in the Iowa Legislature is putting a cap on how much families will have to spend on life-saving drugs per month. State Representative Scott Ourth tells KNIA News a bill has passed at the committee level to limit the cost of insulin per month.

“Typically now, one vial of insulin which lasts one month, is a $300 outlay for a family, and that is one with insurance. So there is a bill that will cut that by two-thirds, in other words the bill caps any out of pocket expense for insulin at $100. That’s a start. We don’t have measures yet that help people without insurance, and we need to address that. But for the insured, we are capping that out of pocket expense at $100, and move forward from there.”

Colorado and Illinois have passed similar bills, and currently lawmakers in Tennessee, Florida, and Virginia among others are considering versions of the law.