A fast-paced storytelling hour primarily featuring Pella-area residents–the Second Reformed Church Story Slam, continues soon. Inspired by the National Public Radio program, “The Moth,” the story slam features five speakers who tell real-life stories from their experiences, with each story of the evening revolving around a common theme. Speakers cannot use a script and stories are limited to 5-7 minutes. The theme for a story slam for Thursday, Feb. 20 is “Breaking the Rules.” Among those serving as storytellers at the next event are Crossroads of Pella director Jim Hibma, former William Penn University president Ann Fields and Pella City Councilmember and Vermeer Corporate Communications Manager Liz Sporrer. Each event will be staged in the church’s Gathering Space near the north entrance and starts at 7 p.m. The church is located at the corner of Broadway and Liberty Street in Pella.