
A resolution is expected soon in the Iowa Statehouse as it relates to K-12 education funding. State Senator Ken Rozenboom says the Iowa House and Senate are ironing out differences in education spending proposals for the upcoming fiscal year — the Senate passed a 2.1% increase in state supplemental aid, while the Iowa House has passed a 2.5% increase, which is in line with what Governor Kim Reynolds proposed at the onset of the 2020 Legislative Session. That increase increases the per pupil state funding public schools receive annually to pay for programs and staff. Rozenboom expects the final number to be close, but also understands the urgency to find a number soon so school boards can plan their budgets, which are due to the state in April. While an SSA difference remains, lawmakers in both chambers have been in agreement to continue funding for closing transportation and per pupil funding disparities between districts for the second consecutive year.