
Representative Dustin Hite says the Iowa House Commerce Committee has been hard at work moving through bills to improve broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas of the state. HSB 588 requires a feasibility study for the construction and installation of an internet exchange point in Iowa. Hite says an internet exchange point is a physical location through which internet infrastructure companies such as internet service providers connect with each other. Currently, all internet traffic in Iowa must leave the state before coming back to the user.

HF 2107 encourages streamline regulations across the state by encouraging communities to be “Broadband Forward” certified. Communities would be able to receive the broadband forward designation by meeting criteria set by the IEDA. Receiving the “broadband forward” means communities are focused on developing broadband infrastructure and internet access.
Hite says HF2107 also strengthens Iowa’s “dig once” policy. A “dig once” policy requires the inclusion of broadband conduit in the right of way during a road construction project. This would reduce the cost of getting internet to homes and businesses by up to 90%, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

This session, the Commerce committee also passed the following bills related to broadband internet access:
HSB 516 which extends the sunset on small cell siting
HF 2023 which exempts broadband grants from being considered income for state tax purposes, and
HSB 638 which makes changes to the grant program and allows for more accurate mapping of broadband access in Iowa.